Problem could be found on Leetcode Here
Problem Description
Given a 32-bit signed integer, reverse digits of an integer.
Example 1:
Input: 123
Output: 321
Example 2:
Input: -123
Output: -321
Example 3:
Input: 120
Output: 21
Note: Assume we are dealing with an environment which could only store integers within the 32-bit signed integer range: [−231, 231 − 1]. For the purpose of this problem, assume that your function returns 0 when the reversed integer overflows.
My Solution
public class Solution {
public int Reverse(int x) {
if(x == 0 || x == int.MinValue) return 0;
int ans = 0;
int pre_overflow = int.MaxValue / 10;
int suf_overflow = int.MaxValue % 10;
bool neg_tag = false;
if(x < 0){
neg_tag = true;
// return directly if x == 0
x = Math.Abs(x);
while(x > 0){
int res = x % 10;
// if the current answer > int.MaxValue % 10, in the following step, ans = ans * 10, it will cause overflow
if(ans > pre_overflow) return 0;
// if answer == int.MaxValue // 10, check the comming digit.
if(ans == pre_overflow && res > suf_overflow) return 0;
ans = ans * 10 + res;
x = x / 10;
if(neg_tag == true){
return -ans;
else return ans;
Time Complexity: O(n) - n is the length of (string)x
This problem have multiple solutions.
Convert the input int into string, check if it has ‘-‘ at the beginning of the string or not. If yes, set variable neg_tag
as true and remove str[0].
Then reverse the string by reversed_s = new string(s.Reverse().ToCharArray())
, if neg_tag
is true, do reversed_s.Insert(0, "-")
At the end convert string to int and return
Set variable ans
as long type, let x % 10
become current digit, return 0 if x < −231 or x > 231 − 1, else return x
Remenber you cannot set ans
as int type without check, otherwise it might cause error if ans > 231 − 1
Quite similar with “Long” solution but set ans
as int type, if error(overflow), return -1 in catch.
Int Only Solution
It is what my code does. Explained in the comment.